Last year my daughter started Kindergarten and with that came all the “big girl” responsibilities. For her heading to the “Big School” was the biggest fear. But for me, was sending her off on the school bus. So it was time to teach her all about Back-to-School Bus Safety.
With my son, it was a totally different story. My son is so much more outgoing and it’s really easy for him to make friends on the spot. But, this little one is really nervous and more when is with people she is not comfortable with.
Back-to-School Bus Safety
For all those first-time school parents like me who don’t know what to expect or how to help our children. Here you can find great tips to set off our kids to school this fall.
Consider these tips from the experts at the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) to help keep children safe before bus rides, during travel, and after exiting the vehicle.

Before the Bus Arrives
- Ensure backpacks are close properly so papers and other items don’t scatter as the bus approaches.
- Ensure lunchboxes, backpacks, clothes, and other school materials are clearly marked. I love using Name Bubbles. These personalized labels are the easiest to use and they have the strongest-sticking durability. — oh, and they are waterproof. To make it clear you can stick them to your kids’ clothing or lunch boxes, etc. You can then run them through the washing machine or dishwasher, and they’ll hold out perfectly. This can be the perfect time to look for high-quality name labels for school, daycare, or even summer camp — Name Bubbles also offer write-on labels for storage and organization. Use my special coupon code NBCAMP, for 20% sitewide!

- Create a morning routine that puts kids at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled pickup time. This helps avoid a last-minute rush, when safety lessons are easily forgotten, and ensures kids are safely in place for boarding.
- Encourage children to wear bright, contrasting colors so they can be seen easier by drivers.
- Instruct children to walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, advise them to stay out of the street, walk single-file, face traffic, and stay as close to the edge of the road as possible.
- Walk young children to the bus stop or encourage kids to walk in groups. There is safety in numbers; groups are easier for drivers to see.
- If kids must cross a street, driveway, or alley, remind them to stop and look both ways before crossing.
- Verify the bus stop location offers good visibility for the bus driver; if changes are needed, talk with nearby homeowners or school district officials to implement changes. Never let kids wait in a house or car, where the driver may miss seeing them approach the bus.
- Remind children that the bus stop is not a playground. Balls or other toys could roll into the street and horseplay can result in someone falling into the path of oncoming traffic.
- Instruct children to stay at least three steps away from the road and allow the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it.
On the Bus Ride
- When boarding the bus, items can get bumped and dropped. Caution children that before picking anything up, they should talk to the driver and follow instructions to safely retrieve their possessions.
- Teach safe riding habits: stay seated with head, hands and feet inside at all times; keep bags and books out of the aisle and remain seated until the bus stops moving.
- Remind kids that just like when riding in cars, loud noises are off limits so they don’t distract the driver. That includes cellphones and other electronic devices; instruct children to put them on mute or use headphones.
Leaving the Bus
- Remind children to look before stepping off the bus. If they must cross the street, teach them to do so in front of the bus by taking five big steps (approximately 10 feet) away from the front of the bus, looking up, and waiting for the driver to signal that it is safe.
- For parents who meet their kids at the bus, remember that excited kids may dart across the street. Eliminate the risk by waiting on the side of the street where kids exit the bus.
- Make the bus ride part of your daily “how was school?” discussion. Encourage kids to talk about the things they see and hear on the bus so you can discuss appropriate behaviors and, if necessary, report any concerns to school administrators.
- As bullying is prevalent and buses are no exception, ask children to tell you about any bullying they observe, whether against another child or themselves and talk about how to shut down bully behaviors.

Also Read From Pre-teens to Teens with Kids Monitoring App /#KidsMonitoring
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Thanks for sharing
Great tips we will use my son’s first year going on the school Bus 🚌
Some great advice for a safe school year
I love your blog! Thank you 😊 for sharing
Love personalized labels for the kids… Is a must for us!!
Love the (name bubbles) that’s perfect for my sons summer camp it’s great to put his name on his stuff knowing it’s water proof
My daughter is actually super excited about taking the school bus 🚌 thanks for sharing this because I didn’t realize all the things I can do for a safer. Bus ride
Some great advice for all parents this is a wonderful blog 💕
Some great tips to help keep our children safe
Great ideas my boy is going to start taking the school bus this coming back to school 🏫 I especially like the stop bullying and how was school today such helpful information ℹ️