30 Days Blogging Challenge – Day 13

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Reaching this post for the first time.. check out my 30 Days Blogging Challenge post and start this challenge with me, you can also find there the topic for each day post… let’s do this!!!!

DAY 13

Favorite TV shows

I am one that doesn’t have much time to sit down and watch TV with work, home care and a toddler running around I sometimes forget to even turn the TV on. But, on weekend nights I like to watch the Long Island Medium whenever I remember that is on…

Now my husband and son are into watching the Walking Dead and at first I was not interested at all but I sit down with him one time I kind of got into it too. My son watched it on Sunday night when it is transmitted in English and my husband watched it on Wednesday night when it is transmitted in Spanish. …. They are 2 different seasons; I know that my son is following the new season. I can watch both and still confused on how everything started…. lol






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