I have gathered some pretty easy and simple Tips to start Spring cleaning we all can use to refresh our home, just in time for the new season.
1. Use Newspaper To Clean Windows and Mirrors
The newspaper has a smoother finish which keeps it from leaving behind fuzzy fibers the way paper towel does. You can also mix a 1/4 cup of vinegar and a quart of water for a full clean-up.

2. Dusting Cloth And Fabric Softener to prevent static cling on certain surfaces.
Pretty easy just use a small amount of liquid fabric softener on a microfiber cloth to wipe static-charged plastic surfaces. Like remote controls, game controllers, etc.
3. Multipurpose Natural Cleaner – Lemon!
Lemons are the best to work with around the house. Believe me, they do a lot better job than most toxic cleaning agents. Yes, citric acid is a high-potent water stain remover.
To clean your bathroom or kitchen faucets simply use one lemon 1/2 and scrub it the stained surface. Rinse with clean water and done!
4. Clean and freshen toilet.
We are trying to cut off on chemical-based products a quick way to clean and freshen your toilet is with toothpaste. Simply squirt a few drops in and scrub away!
5. Clean The Showerhead With Vinegar
In a plastic bag, pour 2-4 cups of vinegar or enough to completely immerse your shower head. Attach the plastic bag to the shower neck with the showerhead completely immersed.
6. Dryer sheet on your baseboard to repel dust.
After cleaning your baseboards, you can simply take a dryer sheet and rub it on there to repel future dust and dirt.
7. Clean windows and mirrors with black tea.
Brew 3 black tea bags to 2 cups of water. Allow cooling before spraying mirrors and glass with the mixture. The tannic acid will dissolve dirt and make your windows sparkle.
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I think everyone is going into spring cleaning overdrive this year #,alittlebitofeverything@_karendennis
Using newspaper to clean windows is a awesome idea I’m loving 🥰 all your spring cleaning tips
Some great tips just trying ,cleaning my windows with black tea to my surprise it works so well now I’ll save on my cleaning supplies thanks for sharing