And Help Your Wallet During The Coronavirus Quarantine.
If you’re thinking about how to start saving money and live a frugal life for a little while. Here are some clever ways to save money. You have to realize that every little thing matters and can really add up quickly. The main thing is to understand that to start saving the most money all we need to do is start changing habits.
Today I’ve put together a list of 19 clever ways to save money and Help Your Wallet.
In the list, I have included things you can start cutting from your life and save. Simple things like groceries, heating/cooling costs, entertainment, health, clothing, and more. Of course, there are many other ways to help you save money, but I wanted to start with the basics. Sometimes those are things that we take for granted since we are already used to them.
I keep the list small and manageable so that no one gets overwhelmed with the changes and you can start building your new habits one step at a time.
1. Cook From Scratch:
You definitely do not need to be a chef to cook a nice simple meal.
2. Stay at Home:
Home is our sanctuary… So why leave it!? Spend fun quality time with the fam and get prepared for the next day.
3. Cancel Subscriptions
subscription boxes. magazines or even newspapers. Those are expenses you can definitely cut.
4. Take Your Lunch to Work:
You are already cooking at home so put an extra piece of chicken or add an extra cup of water to that soup and pack your lunch for work. With this step along you can honestly save hundreds.
5. Unplug Appliances Not in Use:
Do you know that all-electric appliances still consume energy when they are plug-in even if they aren’t in use? and that one of the appliances that use the most energy is the microwave? Yeap, Unplug before you go.
6. Make Coffee at Home:
I know Mcd’s coffee is still $1 dollar at some locations. but, if you save that dollar per day you will be saving at least $20 per month (more or less), and every little counts.
7. Turn Lights off When Not in Use:
If you are a mom you know how hard is to keep the lights OFF in your house. The kids love to have them all ON at all times. Again, This is all about getting new habits and teaching the kids to turn lights OFF when they aren’t in the room, the kitchen, the restroom, etc.
8. Meal Plan and Shop Sales:
Grocery shopping can be daunting but is all about preparation and getting organized in the kitchen. Know what you have and what you need.
9. Drink Water instead of Juice or Soda:
Believe or not this was the hardest part for me. I love soda and sweet drinks substituting them for water was hard, hard, hard. But, hey!! we are saving coins so I’m all in …
10. Stop Eating Out
We used to love eating out, it was our way to start the weekend and celebrate a good hard working week. But, we are a family of 4 and something 6 if my parents come for a visit. That was almost $150 spend on one sitting (and that if we go to a simple family restaurant, No Red Lobster or Olive Garden or any of those big brands restaurants) I get chills not thinking about it! it was a lot of money.

11. Go to the Park instead of the Movies:
Movie tickets, popcorn, drinks, candy, Ect…. You can end up spending big bucks here too. I know, I know the latest movie looks soooo good and the big screen it’s so much better than watching it at home when it comes out on Netflix. But going to the movies is almost $25 bucks (including ticket, snacks & a drink per person more or less and this being a regular movie theater, not IMAX or 3D). Park in winter? yes, the trail is still open and the views can get pretty awesome. It will build your kids’ strength and endurance.
12. Cut up Old T-Shirts for Rags:
Mami used to do this when I was little and I used to hate it. But over the years I’ve learned that is not about looking good but is all about convenience. I can clean my entire house and save on paper towels.
13. Clip Coupons:
You are already cooking at home, you are already organized with what you have and what you need is time to start printing, cutting, and clipping coupons for your grocery, personal care, and household products.
14. Workout at Home:
Sorry, I can’t relate to this one…. working out is not my cup of tea but if you are, skip the gym and work out at home, go out and enjoy a fresh jog around the block.
15. Lower the Temp on your Hot Water Heater:
Yes, that will make a ton of difference on your bill.
16. Make Your Own Laundry Detergent:
Are you a DIYer? Well, you don’t need to be Pro to mix some ingredients together and make your very own detergent. Pinterest has some simple recipes you can follow.

17. Grow Your Own Food
You know … growing veggies is not that hard. I was really worried about this and more not knowing how to take care of my veggies in case they do grow. Since I didn’t know much about growing my own food I started with putting my green Onion stems in water after use to let if regrow
18. Drop your Cable Bill
We used to have one of those expensive cable packages just because I thought we needed it all it was almost $180 per month. We also have Netflix and the kids watch YouTube most of the time now. You can cut on the cable or satellite most of the TV series are already on Netflix and for local news, you can get those with a little antenna that is sold on multiple retailers.

19. Check your Insurance Rates
There are many ways to lower your insurance rates now more than ever. Exist many apps that can help you appraise different insurance at once. But if you are old fashion like me, making phone calls can be the best thing.
This is my shortlist guys; like I mentioned before there are many, many other ways to cut your expenses. of course, my best advice is for you to make changes slowly and tackle one thing at a time until the habits are built and this gets to be a new normal for you.
Also Read: Basic Tips For Grocery Shopping On A Budget
I hope this list can be of great benefit for you to start this year on the right foot.
If you have your way to cut on expenses please leave a comment below and share some light for us as well.

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Your tips are helpful for saving money in a time when everything is so expensive
Now that’s good helpful tips for saving money especially now with prices on the rise
These are some great money saving tips! I remember when my mom used to cut the t-shirts and use them to clean around the house too! Those were the days!!
Great money saving tips #alittlebitofeverything@_karendennis
I was looking for ways to reduce my expenses i took your advice and now our family has new habits and we are saving so much thanks my Friend your blog is a lifesaver
Think ill be dropping my cable WE pay way too much over 170.00 will most likely keep internet and keep my netflix thanks for this ideal will be saving lots
Great tips I love all 19 of them especially my cable bill is much to expensive thanks for sharing
Any tips that help me to save a bit of money are very welcome #alittlebitofeverything@_karendennis
This blog is better very entertaining love all the ways to save lots of money
I should bring my lunch to work not only would I save money I can eat in the office instead of taking extra time to pickup fast food I also saw your coupons I’m going to print some for my next trip to Stop&Shop thank you have a wonderful day
You sound like someone I would get along with I so agree with all your money saving tips like really why go to the gym and pay I do housework and all the moms know that’s a workout 🏋️♀️ Thanks for sharing
Oh wow… I read this twice and the tips sound so easy to accomplish. I guess I have to start learning to save like you said ”one step at the time ”
My first time here on this Site I clicked on clip coupons I didn’t know you can do that and so easy now I’ll be saving money every time I go shopping thanks for sharing this is a great help to me and my family
Good morning I love my coffee my problem is I don’t make it at home I’m spending like 6 dollars everyday I’m going to start having my coffee at home I have a coffee machine I’m just adding all the money up I’ll be saving 😮 thanks for great advice love your blog
This is super awesome 👏 great ways to save lots of money,I would of never of thought of on my own
Love all 19 tips the going to park sounds great I want to start walking think 🤔 I’ll wait until spring and cooking at home is a big savings thanks for sharing
Great tips and just in time. I need to reduce my expenses to save for a year-end tip so I’m taking a few pointers.
Yes you have some great ways to save lots of money especially cut the cable way too much money and I always print the coupons actually from your blog thanks for helping