The Different Things You Can Post About on Instagram

The Different Things You Can Post About on Instagram post thumbnail image

If you are an Instagram fanatic, you will know that there are many different things you can post about on the platform. In fact, the sky’s the limit! You can post photos and videos of your pets, your friends, your hobbies, or just about anything that interests you.

If you’re looking for some ideas, here are a few of the most popular topics to post about on Instagram.

The Different Things You Can Post About on Instagram

The Different Things You Can Post About on Instagram
Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

1. Pets

Pets are always a popular topic on Instagram, so it’s no wonder that these types of posts generate a lot of likes among your followers. However, if you’re not receiving as many as you would like, you should consider looking into how to build your followers fast instead, as this can help to get your pet content off the ground and seen by thousands.

People love to see photos and videos of cute animals, and there is no shortage of content when it comes to pets. Whether you have a dog, a cat, or something else entirely, you can bet that there are other people out there who would love to see what you’re up to. 

2. Friends

Friends are another great topic to post about on Instagram. It doesn’t matter if you’re going out for drinks, taking a trip together, or just hanging out at home, pictures and videos of you and your friends always make for interesting content.

Other social media users will love to see how you and your friends interact, and it’s a great way to show off your personality. If you’re looking to gain more followers, posting about your friends is always a good idea.

3. Travel

If you are the type of person who doesn’t want to stay in one place for too long, taking the time to travel, see the world, and learn about new cultures is definitely something that could be right up your street.

And people on Instagram will be eager to follow your stories, whether you’re scaling a mountain, taking a leisurely stroll through a new city, or even just relaxing on the beach.

Not only that, but you can post photos and videos of your trip, share tips for other travelers, or even give away free stuff like airline tickets or hotel stays. If this sounds appealing, check out some of the best travel accounts on Instagram for inspiration.

The Different Things You Can Post About on Instagram
Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

4. Food

Be honest – how many posts do you see on Instagram that contain food? And we’re not just talking about people’s meals, but also foodie accounts, restaurant promotions, and more. So, it comes as no surprise that Instagram could be the perfect platform for you, especially if you are a foodie.

To become a favored account, be sure to post photos of your latest culinary creations, as well as sharing tips and recipes with your followers.

Don’t worry if you’re not a chef yourself, as you can still get in on the action by posting pictures of restaurants and cafes that you’ve visited. Hashtags like #foodporn and #instafood are always popular, so make sure to use them in your posts.

5. Fashion and Makeup

When posting about fashion and makeup, it is important to be creative and showcase your own unique style. You can take photos of your latest outfits or makeup looks and be sure to use interesting filters and captions to capture people’s attention. The best thing about Instagram is that it highlights the different styles and tastes of people from all over the world, so don’t be afraid to be different!

Additionally, you can follow other users who post great fashion and makeup content and learn from their tips and tricks.

6. Family

And don’t forget about the most treasured posts of all – those of your family. There are a million different ways to post about your family on Instagram. You could post a sweet photo of you and your partner cuddling with your kids, or of your little ones playing together in the park.

Or maybe you could share a funny story about something your kids did that made you laugh. Whatever you choose to share, make sure it reflects the love and joy that your family brings into your life!


As you can see, there are many different things you can post about on Instagram. If you’re stuck for ideas or don’t know where to start, we hope this article has given you some inspiration. Remember to keep your posts interesting and engaging by using eye-catching visuals and telling a story.

And most importantly, have fun with it!

2 thoughts on “The Different Things You Can Post About on Instagram”

  1. Some great Tips for posting on Instagram

    BTW : Your instagram page is one of my favorites

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