10 Powerful Frugal Living Tips

10 Powerful Frugal Living Tips post thumbnail image

Lots of my longtime friends/followers know that my husband when through surgery last month and some of you have asked me about how we are doing now that my husband is out of work for the next couple of months, and as you may be aware I’m a WAHM. For that, I have put together this short list of the 10 more powerful frugal living tips we use at home.

Ever since being home, I have taken my time to learn some simple tricks to help our wallets. And I have also noticed that frugal living is definitely on the rise these days, with more people looking to reduce their expenses. But…

What is Frugal Living?

Frugal living is a lifestyle where individuals intentionally choose to limit their spending and prioritize their financial resources to achieve their long-term goals. It involves being mindful of expenses and finding ways to live simply and efficiently without sacrificing much of their quality of life.

10 Frugal Living Tips with Big Impact

I put together some great powerful frugal living tips. My suggestion is that you can select a few points (one or two from the list) each month, to start creating the habit and you’ll be well on your way and with fewer chances of you breaking that resolution!

1. Leftovers

This was a hard one for me. I’m not (wait no – hold’ on ) I wasn’t a leftover person. I was the one that cooked daily and cleaned my kitchen all the way to start fresh the next day.

If you find yourself throwing away a lot of food. Please, make using up your leftovers a habit this year. A few great tips to ensure you always have the correct amounts of food to eat each week include:

  • Buy a durable set of containers to store your leftovers. I use glass storage containers for safety.
  • Write down your grocery list.
  • Make use of your freezer! For example, If you have leftovers that won’t be eaten in time, package and label them and keep in the freezer for another week instead of throwing out.

2. Cooking in Bulk

We (parents) wear several hats every day at home. I can be a chauffeur, a nurse, a referee, a writer, and when I wear my chef hat I try to spend as little time as possible. Here, I have to cook for a family of 4, and having to cook every day certainly takes a toll on my day.

Cooking in bulk is a great way to save money and time, and you can even have a more productive day. Make several meals in bulk to save slaving away in the kitchen for hours every day. Whether you cook for one or for a family of five, you will find batch cooking makes a great difference in time and money saving.

3. Drink Water

Getting better at our choices; Yes, is hard but not impossible by making a little effort to drink more water this year.

Soft drinks and Spirits may be delicious, but they can definitely make a hole in your budget. A good choice can be to get yourself a good quality water bottle and try to stick to drinking water. For example, I flavor my water with fresh fruits (strawberries, lemon, blueberries, etc.) I even use the tangerine peels Dani left went she takes fruit to school. I used to be addicted to sodas and fruit juices, but now I can’t get through the day without my water bottle by my side!

4. Avoid All Late Fees

This just happened to me this month. Trust me, I’m the one that likes to write everything down in my calendar but, last month was a busy one and I totally forgot to send one payment out and now the late fee is killing me and my wallet.
Late fees are a totally avoidable expense, and that’s why this habit is so essential to start this year.

Is super easy to set a reminder a few days before your bills are due to be paid. This one is for ME as well.

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5. Run All Your Errands At Once

Driving back and forth from the supermarket, store or appointment can also open a serious hole on your wallet and more now that Gas prices are going back up.

Some nice and simple suggestions are:

A. marking everything on your calendar. B. Make a list of your entire day. C. Schedule your appointments for the same day and/or try to do grocery once you’re free from all your appointments even if it’s at night.

6. Heat Up Your Home

This winter has been a good one for us here in NY but lot of other States were hit brutally in the colder months. We can get more frugal this year by finding other ways to keep warm like wearing an extra layer or changing for thicker curtains to keep the heat in your home – and the cold out!

7. Freebies!

When you’re living frugal, freebies are as good as it gets. My favorite way to save money on groceries is with Ibotta, a FREE and simple app that allows you to unlock deals on many common items by simply shopping, scanning, and snapping a photo of your receipt.

If you sign-up for Ibotta and redeem the first offer, you can get up to a $20 welcome bonus! Click here to get started.

Additionally, I love finding Free Samples and Freebies in the Mail. I also like to print my coupons from Coupons.com I like to organize my grocery list around my budget and I have been able to find great saving coupons this way as well

Also Read: 19 Ways to Reduce Your Expenses and Help Your Wallet.

8. No-Spend Entertainment

How about… having fun for free with the kids! No-spend days are no stranger on this site, and they’re a great way to get more frugal this year.

Start with no-spend weekends, and then see how long you can go without any real expenses. You’ll probably find you get a bunch of new hobbies from it too!

9. Save Your Change

Also, another simple way to start saving is by collecting all your spare change, it’ll add up!

10. Shop Locally

If you look for the biggest saving ever you should start shopping (at least for your veggies to start with) locally, you’ll quickly find that food is much cheaper.

A great frugal living tip to try this year is to shop seasonally – some fruits and beans are cheaper in the summer months and things like root vegetables and apples in the winter.

And one extra tip for luck,

And one extra tip for luck,

11. DIY’s Are a Must

Honestly, how much money do we spend each month on things like cleaning products, and beauty products for our hair, face, or skin?

Another frugal tip can be to try out some natural DIY products. For instance, laundry detergent, glass cleaners, beauty and stain remover products there can also be done at home with simple ingredients.

Ready to start saving more? Take action today and implement these frugal living tips into your daily routine. Your wallet will thank you!

10 Frugal Living Tips

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24 thoughts on “10 Powerful Frugal Living Tips”

  1. I pray all is well with hubby. As we already live a frugal life as retirees, it’s always nice to read that others are also following these tips.

  2. Great tips! It’s starting to get cold her, so I have been making everyone wear their dressing gowns in the evenings, as I can’t afford to but the heating on just yet

  3. With prices soaring your tips will make a difference thank you for sharing

  4. I try to shop locally when possible #alittlebitofeverything@_karendennis

  5. Some good tips after reading this i will be DIY on our cleaning supplies

  6. You do have some awesome ways to cut back on our expensive habits Will be saving now will start with drinking more water and this small step will add up fast thanks 🤗 for sharing

  7. I’m loving your tips especially now with the holidays all coming this will help me save lots 😘

  8. I often cook in bulk, especially when making cakes, one for now and one to put in the freezer for another time #alittlebitofeverything@_karendennis

  9. Definitely DIY that always helps me save so much and eating at home is a must for our family thanks for sharing your blog it’s so good 😊

  10. As a parent with 3 children it’s so hard you have some good ideas the no spent entertainment I’m going to do and I downloaded the money saving app and printing coupons thanks for the great information it’s helpful

  11. i read this and the, 19 ways to reduce your expenses so happy i did I’m printing the coupons you shared and I’m saving on all my shopping now thanks so much it helps me a lot

  12. So helpful this is I will follow some of your tips we are always looking for ways to cut back 😍

  13. Love ❤️ tip #5 run all your Errands at once smart idea and got to say thanks , I clicked on the link driving back and forth and they buy junk cars we actually have one and they pay top dollar thanks again we can really use this extra money

  14. There are some really handy tips here – especially cooking in bulk, which I like to do at weekends x #Alittlebitofeverything

  15. That’s what I call 10 awesome tips they will definitely help our family thanks for sharing

  16. Cooking in bulk is something that I often do#alittlebitofeverything@_karendennis

  17. I hope you’re husband is doing okay & recovering well… It’s so hard when times are tough with finances, but I’m a big believer in making the small things count and add up to save money. Great tips – I love apps for cashback, discounts and freebies too, it’s become quite the habit now to always check before buying things! 🙂
    Caz xx

  18. Your blog is so inspiring your such a wonderful person sharing your tips for frugal Living love ❤️ all your ideas

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