As the holidays quickly approach, we want to share some of our favorite and fun children’s books that would be perfect as stocking stuffers this season. Here are the books that make perfect stocking stuffers for kids.

Giving Gal and the Christmas Cookie Extravaganza
When Giving Gal hosts her annual Christmas Cookie Extravaganza, she is excited for her new friend, Tianna, to join in on the fun. Initially, the day doesn’t go as planned. But Giving Gal persists in giving encouragement, showing kindness, and making sure her friend feels included.
This is beautifully illustrated. The heartfelt story reminds us of the power of our strengths and how, when we come together, magical moments happen.
Books That Make Perfect Stocking Stuffers for Kids
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Sterling and Nugget the Dragon
In a land far away, many fear a dragon named Nugget—including Sterling, a brave young boy, who dreams of becoming a knight. Sterling sets out to slay the dragon, until his quest presents him with a choice: fight or help. In choosing kindness and compassion, Sterling becomes a true knight. Sterling and Nugget the Dragon fosters growth in a child’s social and emotional development. Sterling’s story will encourage the knight in shining armor within any child!

Sweet Dreams, Lil Paw
It is hard being the youngest and smallest one in the family. Especially when your bedtime comes first, and you are feeling sad and afraid. Lil is just a pup, but she’s got big dreams, and nothing is going to hold her back!
Sweet Dreams, Lil Paw is the first book in the Power Paws series. A collection of children’s stories designed to grow with its readers from birth to age 10. Evolving in complexity and maturity to track a child’s intellectual and emotional growth and reading abilities.

Eala: The Mother Swan / La Madre Cisne
Eala is a story about a boy who is just beginning to lose his connection to his inner world, so he goes in search of a magical swan.
Hugo finds the swan, Eala, just before she is going to fly between worlds, so he hops onto her back, and she takes him on a magical journey. Soon Hugo rediscovers the music and wonder of the world, and he begins to feel whole again.
Ages 5-9

Little Imperfections
The dazzling new picture book addresses the universal themes of being different. Feeling like you don’t fit in, and finding yourself along the way.
The story is told through the empathic and humorous perspective of Peet Montzingo. The internet sensation who grew up as the only “tall” sibling in a family of little people. Little Imperfections carries timeless messages of love and acceptance told through a truly unique perspective, and makes the perfect gift for anybody—young, old, or in between…and the exclusive video version is available with the purchase of the book!

The Sun Jumped Over the Moon
The Sun Jumped Over the Moon, explores the theme that courage isn’t feeling brave all the time or succeeding at everything you try with great success. It’s giving it a go- even when you feel scared and even when you fail, being able to get back up and keep trying.
The Sun Jumped Over the Moon inspires children to reach for the sun while having the confidence and determination to overcome odds.

The Adventures of Tony Balony And Cookie
The Adventures of Tony Balony and Cookie, is the story of a now grown adult by the name of Tony Walker. Who as a child really did have a lot of fun growing up in the 1960s with his family and his dog named Cookie. The book includes funny stories, written in rhyme, and many life lessons for young children to live by. It is wholesome in its approach and fun to read as well.
As parents, we always want our kids to feel good about themselves. Having courage and confidence at such a young age can be tough, which is why they need a little assistance in helping them to step out of their comfort zone and discover their inner strength.

Perfect for my children
Just ordered the Dragon for my son only 9.99 and I have amazon prime love the free shipping
Some great choices for a stocking stuffer