How to Best Make Time for Yourself as a Mom

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I know how tricky it can be to find time for yourself when you’re taking care of your little ones. But guess what? Looking after yourself is super important too. Here’s how to make time for yourself as a mom and some simple things you can do to ensure you’re taking care of your body and mind, even in the midst of all the mom stuff.

Find Things That Make You Smile:

First off, think about stuff that makes you happy. Maybe it’s a bubbly bath, trying out deep breaths to calm down (yep, like blowing out birthday candles), or getting lost in a hobby you enjoy. These aren’t just fun things – they’re like little energy boosters for your mood! Some of these things you can do without having to spend anything, however, a little indulgence now and then is a good thing. So if you want to visit a spa for a massage or facial, then you will need to do a search online with your location, e.g. facial near me in Irving, TX” so you can get one booked for when you want it.

How to Best Make Time for Yourself as a Mom
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Easy Steps to Make Self-Care Happen:

Lock in “Me Time” on Your Calendar: You know how you put important stuff on your calendar? Well, your “me time” deserves a spot too. It could be in the morning, during naptime, or whenever you can grab a breather. Making it official helps you stick to it.

Ask for a Helping Hand: You don’t need to be a superhero! If you need a break, don’t hesitate to ask your partner, family, or friends to watch the kiddos. Teamwork makes everything easier.

Tell Others About Your Time: It’s okay to let your family know that you need a bit of time for yourself. They’ll understand and give you space to do your thing.

Kick That Guilt to the Curb: Feeling guilty about taking time for yourself? Drop that guilt! You’re an awesome mom, and looking after yourself makes you even more amazing. You deserve this time.

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Connect and Share with Other Moms:

Don’t forget – you’re not alone on this journey. Connecting with other moms can be super helpful. You could join a local mom group (think: coffee chats and playdates) or find a cozy online community. Sharing stories and tips can help you feel less alone and more supported.

Wrapping It Up:

Alright, let’s sum it up. Finding time for yourself might sound tricky, but it’s totally doable. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish – it’s like giving your best self to your family. So, put your “me time” on the calendar, ask for help when needed, set those boundaries, lose the guilt, and connect with other moms. You’ve got this! 🌼

Taking care of yourself is key to being a successful mom!

How to Best Make Time for Yourself as a Mom

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3 thoughts on “How to Best Make Time for Yourself as a Mom”

  1. As I always say – you have to take care of yourself because you’re the only you that you have 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 125. Pinned.

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