As my blogiversary is approaching, I can’t help but stop and reminisce about how this little space started 5 years ago.
For me, this was a way to stay connected to the outside world after becoming a SAHM after leaving my full-time job of 11 years. It was hard to make that change but, it would have been even harder not to do it (looking at our circumstances at the time).
I didn’t know much about social media or influencers’ approach to the market (again, I started to write as a way to stay connected to the outside world). As the blog keeps growing and the emails started to pile up; my view of the online community started to widen and the thought of making this my new job looked more like a possibility.
Find Your Tribe Online
In order to keep growing a community that resonates with my brand, I had to make sure I’m sharing with the right people. A big part of finding my tribe is knowing the points and struggles the ideal reader is facing and having a clear understanding of their interests.

As a blogger learning about market research is inevitable to find your tribe. We have to remember that trends in industries are constantly changing. From one season to the next it is important to research, connect, and keep up with your tribe.
Let’s say Facebook, I believe Facebook is the easiest platform to start finding your tribe, mainly because there are many Facebook groups for practically every interest and niche. Joining the right group can give you the perfect opportunity to great market research attempts.
But, Just joining a group is not enough. The key here for the perfect tribe is all about actually engaging. Being an active member is what will make it feel like a community to you. Your tribe will accept you for who you are. They will get to be your support system, your cheering squad.
In Conclusion
Being a blogger is definitely now easy. Yes, it comes with its perks (something that we can’t deny) working from anywhere, getting to meet brands, and learning about products before they hit the market is something great. But, it’s also hard work. the long hours, sometimes working 7 days straight, and the not minimum wage salary. It’s is all at the brands and PR companies’ discretion. This is something that many influencers are willing to put up with in order to keep the brands relevant to their audience. Although, some PR companies and brands themselves still don’t see this as a real job, for us it’s.
Also Read: For The Love To Top 50 Family / Lifestyle Bloggers

Hi Lovely,
Thank you so much for your sweet words. It has been hard work and so much time into this blog but everyday is a learning experience.
You are right.
I do republish my old content. The only thing I do is to put them back to draft (like you are doing) I do update pictures (not always) or play with the wording around… simple but not so much of a big change. That is how I get my work to keep moving and fresh. I hope that helps you a little.
Awww 5 years, wowzers. I’ve followed you for a long time, and still that time goes super fast. It’s the community vibe that I love about blogging – both the blog community generally, and the chronic illness/pain/disability community for me, too. Engaging, as you say, is really important but being part of it is priceless.
Do you mind me asking you a quick question? I think you might sometimes republish old posts so that they appear new in the reader, is that right? I tried to put an old post back to draft, change the date and hit post again, but it never showed up in the reader. I was just wondering how you do it? If you do, that is.
Anyway, Happy Nearly-5-Year-Bloggiversary! You have a lot to celebrate and be proud of 🥳
Caz xx
Congratulations on the success of your Blog I appreciate all your creative work
Thanks for sharing this interesting post #alittlebitofeverything@_katendennis
Thanks again for doing this blog your so helpful ❤️ All the time
The line that you have shared are really interesting #alittlebitofeverything@_karendennis
Thanks for sharing this information about your self and how it is to be a blogger it must of been a hard adjustment after working 11 years but from all you always share here And instagram I can tell your a great mom to your children 👶 so it’s definitely 100% worth it SAHM
I just clicked on some of the links you shared this is very interesting I’m thinking of starting my own blog and love all this helpful information you shared and congratulations 🎊 on your 5 years anniversary
Thanks for sharing your experience I have been following your blog almost from the beginning and you do some great work and it’s definitely a full time job keep doing what you do it’s always so good to read your posts