Aveeno® Launches #SkinVisibility, New Campaign

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The #SkinVisibility new campaign launched during Eczema Awareness Month.

As part of the Aveeno® brand’s ongoing commitment to helping its consumers find relief for sensitive skin. The new campaign, #SkinVisibility, addresses the underdiagnosis, care, and treatment of eczema on Black skin; one of the most prominent chronic diseases impacting the Black population today.

To help address Black skin health inequities, Aveeno® aims to help 100,000 Eczema Warriors find relief in the next six months through educational resources, tools, and products.

Aveeno® Launches #SkinVisibility, New Campaign

To help sufferers recognize key symptoms and find solutions, The “Eczema in Skin of Color” Digital Hub includes:

  • A quiz to help potential sufferers identify telltale symptoms
  • Community feedback
  • A holistic lifestyle guide for prevention & management
  • Information on the power of oat in an eczema regimen.

#SkinVisibility Digital Talk Series

The company also mention that they will feature virtual talks and community events. Like, focusing on topics such as “How to Identify, Treat & Love the Skin You’re In“; “Closing the Gap on Black Skin Health Disparity“, and “What It Means to be an Eczema Warrior” with entrepreneurs, educators, and advocates.

Aveeno® Launches #SkinVisibility, New Campaign

“Black skin health has long gone underreported, undiagnosed, and unseen by the masses. As a result, my self-confidence was tested when I first began to suffer from eczema, with little information to turn to,” said actress, entrepreneur, and Aveeno® #SkinVisibility partner, Tia Mowry. “That’s why I am thrilled to be partnering with Aveeno to drive visibility to eczema and diagnosis on Black skin so that others who may be struggling can finally find relief.”

Aveeno® Baby’s “Eczema Equality” Content Shoot

To address the discrepancy in eczema marketing and over-index of Caucasian baby visibility; Aveeno® reveals the “Eczema Equality” content shoot, shot by CreativeSoul Photography.

That puts the spotlight on the individual stories of parents struggling with eczema on their babies in a Caucasian-dominated category. Available to view on Aveeno.com/baby, and will be further amplified through a digital strategy.

Aveeno® Launches #SkinVisibility, New Campaign

“The journey to skin health equity for the Black population is far from over,” said Aveeno® Senior Director, Suzanne Goldstein. “That’s why Aveeno, committed to doing our part to help close the educational gap to Black skin health resources and tools for diagnosis. Using our platform and the launch of our #SkinVisibility campaign, we will continue to elevate important conversations.”

Also Read: MOM BOD, A Gift Of Motherhood- Go Ahead, Embrace it

Aveeno® Launches #SkinVisibility, New Campaign

For more information on Aveeno® and the #SkinVisibility campaign, please visit Aveeno.com.

4 thoughts on “Aveeno® Launches #SkinVisibility, New Campaign”

  1. Is so hard when babies suffer from eczema .. Aveeno is the best product for this treatment

  2. My son suffers from Eczema it’s so nice of Aveeno to have this campaign

  3. Very happy to see this post it’s so important for everyone’s skin health,we will be trying Aveeno for our families skincare thanks for sharing this amazing company

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